Saturday, July 5, 2014

module 6

How can we teach students to learn by using technology?
I believe there is an endless street to using technology to help students learn. They first need to understand that technology isn’t just for games to play, though there are many games out there that will help them with their learning. Students can listen to stories to help those that may struggle with their reading ability. Students who need to have a visual to go along with their learning can get that with use of technology.
I use technology as stations in my first grade classroom; I have 4 student station computers that the students use during our reading block and for math. The students can go to different websites that I have put in files for them to click on depending on what class we are in. During reading they can go to sites that have stories for them to listen to, sites that are for phonetics, they can go and listen to poetry or write their own poem, they like a site that they can write their own story or fill in parts that will make a story. After they are done at their station they are to write at least a short sentence in their journal about the site they were at, what they learned, liked or didn’t like. During math there are different math games set up that are at their levels and what they need extra practice with to help them make benchmark. I also use a promethean table during the station times. The students learned from the beginning what was allowed and what wasn’t going to be tolerated. Now I have a few that will try to sneak in a “fun” game once in a while but they are caught and told on quickly. I am hoping to get some ipads and or ipods this year to use in my classroom for so many apps that are out there for learning and to download books for the students to read. There is a lot of research out there about boys reading more when they get to read using technology.

How can we teach them to demonstrate their mastery/understanding when they aren't given explicit requirements?
I believe when you tell students what their objectives are they understand what the bottom line is, they want to learn and they want to improve but most of the time they don’t know what they are reaching for. When I introduce a new site to the students I show the class how to get on the site, where they are to go to for different needs, and I show them what I expect them to get out of the site. I show them this throughout the year for reminders and I also randomly watch them at the station and see if they are following through with my expectations. I explain to them why I want them to go to the site and what they are to get out of the lesson. 

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