Monday, April 21, 2014

Introducing technology to students

Introducing technology to students is a wonderful way to opening minds to new ideas.  I believe when you introduce it to students you need to make it enjoyable and show them the “cool” things it does first.  Like a game or playing an instrument on it. Then you show them the possibilities of using it for many different things. Then you show them how it can make their life easier.
For example; I have a promethean internet table in my classroom. When they came into class the first day we had it I had the musical instruments pulled up on it. When they sat down and seen it 23 hands went up and questions were flying. I didn’t say anything at first just went over and started tapping on the piano keys, hit the drums a couple of times and finished off with a triangle ring. This had their attention to learn about it. Then I asked, what were some of the things we have talked about it in class the last couple of days?  Additions, subtraction, compound words, were some of the answers shouted out.  So I called 6 students up and had them touch the screen and find addition icons.  They did quickly and added a few problems. I then called 6 different students up and had them find subtraction problems and work on those for a few minutes. Then 6 more for words and then my last group who are struggling with reading, writing and or math came up and found the icon with animal sounds on it to match up on a graph. So by now I had all the students hooked. I then went to the next park and asked them how they think this would help them with school. Hands went up with answers like fun to add, ways to help someone who doesn’t understand after that answer I had to sit down and applaud them for their great answer. I told them that concept was called collaborating with their peers; I explained this was a great skill for them to learn for life.  So we did more discussion about how to use the table properly, what were some of the risk with going on the internet just like a computer, phone, and a tablet. Once I had the students interested anytime another teacher, a parent or even an older student came in our room the table was the discussion for my class. They loved that they could explain how to do the things on the table to the adults who had no idea about how to work the table.
I think it is very important today to show students how to use technology and how to use safely along with efficiently.  I make a “worksheet” type questionnaire on the computer. Put the sheet on my touch screen tv and have the students go and write in a correct answer, or use a mobi for them to answer the question just as easy or easier than I could make it on paper, copy it, have the student work on the paper, copy their neighbors answer, guess the answer and maybe get lucky with the correct answer and turn in the paper and I grade it and give it back to them. They take it home and it gets thrown away and never discussed again. 

So as I stated about teaching the students first then have them teach parents and etc. Once a student learns how to do something they take ownership in it and PRIDE. That carries over to teaching their parents and showing them just how easy it is, along with how exciting it can be.  

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