Monday, April 21, 2014

My philosophy of education is I believe all children can learn, and it is our duty as parents, educators, and a member of a community to find a way to help every child to learn to the best of their personal ability and to give them a safe environment to learn in.
I read this statement and find it to be true. Progressivism is based largely on the belief that lessons must be relevant to the students in order for them to learn.  I believe that children learn easier when they can use personal experiences and personal interests.
As an educator I feel it is very important that every student has the chance to not only learn academics but to learn pride, to have self-confidence, a high self-esteem and integrity within themselves. I want every one of my students to see the love in teaching and learning that I have and, to carry it on. I think it is also very important that as an educator to teach our students to respect themselves and others.
I believe a student’s role in education is to attempt their personal best, which they should realize no matter where they come from; they have the opportunity to make their education their top priority.
As an educator I believe it is very important to realize that every child comes with different background knowledge, they learn differently and communicate differently. This is the reason that I implement “stations” in my room for reading and math. This gives me the opportunity to allow them to work in many different ways, and it allows me the chance to work with a few at a time on specific areas that they need more instruction with.
There are many ways to be an effective teacher and have effective students:
First and foremost important to be an effective teacher is to have the love for children and a passion to educate.
One must have effective classroom management, it is important to have this underway from day one of teaching and continue throughout the year with the management. Having effective classroom management is essential to having quality learning in your classroom.
To have an effective classroom I believe it is important to be strategic with your instruction. The use of technology in a classroom is a wonderful way to reach out to many students. Boys tend to read more, learn more and doing their work more when it is on some type of technology. There are many “resources” out there to use in a classroom, you have to find which ones work best for you then find ways to make them work for each one of your individual students.
 Technology again is another way to add global awareness to your class room.  You can have a skype or face time account that would allow students to talk to a student across the ocean. Using technology is a great way to show students current events around the world; we do need to do this within their ability to comprehend the big picture. There are always those “teachable” moments where you can fit in about something that relates to your lesson that may have happened on the other side of the world.

I believe to be an effective teacher you need to be involved in your school community along with the student’s home community. A teacher should know and understand where their students come from and take an interest in their community. As a student who moved around most of her childhood, I relate to and explain how the future can be to transient students.   I have learned that many times students just want an ear to bend just to feel better internally. I have seen the excitement in students when their teacher past or present makes an appearance at a school function, a sporting event or even just in the public grocery store.
My goal to succeeding in my career is to make a difference to my student’s lives. I will be a teacher who teaches and continues to learn. There are always ways to be a better more effective teacher. I will continue to try my personal best for each and every one of my future students. 

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